

Have you ever seen a machine that can generate electricity by itself? This may not be a perpetual motion machine

Generally, the generators we are familiar with need to be powered by an external engine, and the mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy through the generator. Have you ever seen this kind of circular generator? From the outside, you can't see the engine! For example, the engines of the vehicles you drive are all square, with 4 cylinders, 6 cylinders and even 12 cylinders, but this is the first time I have seen a round one, and it can generate electricity by itself.


So what is its principle? Let's analyze it, first look at the section diagram.


The figure shows a two-cylinder circular engine, which is installed inside the generator rotor. After the fuel is ignited and burned, the piston is driven to move, and the generator rotor is rotated with a certain trajectory movement, and then the generator coil starts to generate electricity. Check out the video below to find out!


the right is the movement track of the middle engine block after combustion, which forms the rotation of the generator rotor. Isn’t it a clever design? If applied to the rotor in the middle of an axial field motor, how would it rotate to generate electricity? This structure needs to be thought about carefully!