

How does the maglev train with a speed of over 600 kilometers per hour work? Multi-graph analysis

On July 20 this year, my country's self-developed high-speed maglev train rolled off the production line in Qingdao, with a speed of 620 kilometers per hour, setting a world record. This is the world's first high-speed train with a speed of over 600 kilometers per hour, making it the fastest means of transportation on the ground. So how does the maglev train work? What is the principle? How much do you know about maglev?


In fact, it is a large linear motor! Using the principle of electromagnetic induction, let the train levitate first, and then energize to form opposite-sex repelling thrust, and the train will move forward. Then the axial field motor is a circular linear motor, except that one is a linear motion and the other is a rotary motion. The principle is the same, and the structure and layout are different.


The following pictures show how the maglev train works.

First of all, the propulsion coils are laid on the rails, and they are arranged in NS. The entire route needs to be laid, and the cost is very high. Only the rich can afford it.



On the train, there are also multiple sets of coils arranged by NS arranged on both sides of the train.

Same-sex attracts, opposite-sex repels, that's the principle.


So what I just said is moving forward, but how does the maglev train levitate? It turns out that the traditional method is to add a set of coils to generate repulsion to levitate the train, which doubles the cost. The following solution only needs a set of coils to solve the magnetic levitation and forward propulsion.

That's right, it is this 8-shaped coil combination arrangement. So what is its principle?

This is the magnetic field generated by the loop coil on the train, which generates repulsion accordingly.

It is equivalent to a large magnet and the coils on both sides to generate a magnetic field effect, so how to use the magnetic field to levitate? The key lies in the 8-shaped coil.

The direction of the magnetic field generated by the 8-shaped coil current direction is different from the direction of the magnetic field generated by the square coil.

Then you can generate an upward pulling force on the train car, keep the car in the middle of the middle magnetic field, and form the magnetic field effect of levitation. Isnt it very clever? This method can reduce a set of coils for levitation and save costs.


The advantage of maglev trains is high-speed operation, low noise and no vibration, and excellent riding experience. It is the best choice for home travel in the future.